Best English Medium School in Lakhpat
“Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara”
St. Xavier’s school at Dayapar is built out of the educational vision of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the founder of CMI congregation. Saint Kuriakose Elias was a great educationist and social reformer of the 19th century. He could foresee the changes in the environment and make strategic moves to build up a better society based on the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of humanity. He was a poet saint who initiated a movement of socio culture reformation of society by establishing schools, printing press, home for the aged and activities aimed at the spiritual renewal of people.
We ensure quality education for all the students through systematic academic curriculum. By imparting social norms and values we make our children lead a responsible life with vision and goals. With the assistance of dedicated staff St.Xavier’s school always open the doors of right information and knowledge. Implanting the values of life with proper guidance allows the students to plan for a better future with daily based analysis. Individual focus and assessment give the opportunity to make changes not only in the study methods of the students but also in the strategies and techniques followed by the teachers which is decisive in the successful future of each student. St.Xavier’s School is always successful in ensuring holistic growth of our students by following highly enriched and innovative curriculum which make us one of the elite educational institutions in Lakhpat. Since we are open to the latest technological innovations in the field of education, society accepted our mission and we are currently running a chain of institutions all over India.
It is really a blessing that we have a great school in our village to send our children for their education. We are thankful to God and the management for giving our children the opportunity to study in a standard and well-disciplined school. The experienced teachers are really giving attention and support to every student. The loving and caring actions of the teachers give our children the confidence and believe to approach the teachers at any time with any doubts for clarification. The non-teaching staff also really supportive in all situations.
Compulsory English speaking in the school campus is too good for our students for their better learning of the language and that really improves the fluency. The large school campus as well as sports activities not only helps our students to maintain good mental health but also improve physical fitness. The compulsory inclusion of every student in assembly teams gives our children continuous opportunity to perform on stage and that allow them to overcome stage fear. Even the strict food chart for students helps them to avoid fast food and that leads to inculcate good habits. The strict monitoring of each student is really appreciable because that helps our children to know their flaws as well as improvements in order to make positive changes and growth.
Upcoming Events
IFI Training
Every Sundays
Venue: St. Xavier’s School Ground
Independence day Celebration
15 August 2022
Flag hosting – 8:15 AM
There will be group wise competition for all students.
Programs: Speech competition, Patriotic dance competition, Skit

Message From Our Lighting Fire
“The purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows”
It gives me immense joy to be part of the nation making by guiding the young minds with right education. St.Xavier’s gurukulam is a family that leads our youngsters with vision towards their goals as well as towards a developed nation with accountable citizens. Our education gives purpose and motivates our children to work hard and smart to be pioneers in the challenging world. It allows them to accumulate the right knowledge to build a strong foundation to withstand in the demanding era.
It is a great joy to say that all our students are excellent in their studies and motivated to be in the right path with the monitoring as well as the assistance from the experienced and dedicated staffs. The support from the villagers of Dayapar towards St.Xavier’s school is special and it is a stepping stone which bring us closer towards our vision and mission.
With the blessings and grace from God, we hope we will be continuing our commitment by helping the young talents and leaders in their venture to live in a developed and self-reliant society while achieving their goals.