“Good students are the source and real treasure of all nations and good books are their real wealth during the period of academic formation”.
Saint Chavara

Development of St. Xavier School
Lakhpat Taluka is one of the 10 Talukas of Kutch District. It is located 130 km towards west to the district headquarters Bhuj. It has the population of 60,250 in the census of 2011. It has 120 villages with very minimal population. The place is important historically as well as religiously. People of Lakhpat were considered to be prosperous before the earthquake in 1819. Due to earthquake Indus River moved its course from the place and changed the geographical situation. The headquarters of Lakhpat Taluka is Dayapar. Dayapar has population of just 6000 but there are adjacent villages. All the offices of Lakhpat Taluka are situated at Dayapar. Lakhpat is considered as one of the backward areas of Gujarat. It is backward economically, educationally and in the matter of health as well as in the matter of transportation.
A team of people used to come to Dayapar from K VT to help in the matters of health. It is in this situation, that Fr. George Kunnath got inspiration to start an institution to help the people of this area. When he was visiting this area with mobile clinic, people expressed their difficulties in life. People found very difficult to send children to far places for education without proper transportation facility. Fr. George really believed that it is our responsibility to help the people of this remote area. So, he expressed his wish as well as the need to the Provincial Superior Rev. Fr. Marius and team to start an institution at Dayapar. After the visit to the place Provincial team agreed to purchase a piece of land at Dayapar.
The land at Dayapar was purchased from Shivjibhai Naranbhai Patel in1999, by the help of Rev Fr George Kunnath CMI.
After the devastating earth quake in 2002, there were many organizations that were ready and wanted to construct temporary rooms for rehabilitation. As part of widening our activities under the leadership of Rev Fr Kunnath CMI, construction of one of the temporary rehabilitation was started in our land at Dayapar.
When Fr. Shijo Kotteparambil cmi was appointed at Nakhatrana, After his initial studies he placed a request before the Provincial council to start a play school with an experiment base.

Founded 2009
The decision to start school at Dayapar was taken by Rev Fr Jose Chitooparambil CMI. Fr. Shijo was asked to clean up the land and to start the construction of three temporary rooms for starting school for the coming academic year.
Though the decision to start school was made by Provincial and team, the name of school was not finalized. Fr. Jose Chittooparambil, Provincial was of the opinion that the new school shall be named after St Joseph but considering the effect of St. Xavier’s in Gujarat we decided to keep St. Xavier’s as the patron saint of the school.
On 14 June, his excellency Bishop Gregory Karotemprel CMI blessed the temporary school building. There were many local leaders, parents and fathers and sisters from the whole of Kutch, Rev Bp. Gregory, Fr Thomas Kolamkuzhy, Fr. George Kunnath cmi, Mr. Sarubha Jadeja, Mr. Karamsibhai Patel, Hasmukbhai Patel, and Mr. Jugraj sigh (Rajubhai Sardar) spoke on this occasion. There were other local leaders like Mr. Shivjibhai Patel, Mr. Rameshbhai Thakkar, Mr. Meghjibhai Patel- Dolatpar, and Sarpanchshri Dayappar among the other leaders present there. All were so ambitious about the new beginning of school at Dayapar.
The first working day of school was on Monday, 15 June 2009. All the students of LKG were solemnly welcomed into the classroom applying kumkum on their foreheads and parents brought their children into the class. After the prayer Fr. Shijo welcomed them all, introduced the teacher to the parents and explained about how we are to progress in our teachings and what should be their approach etc. Miss Babita Robert agreed to take up the charge as a teacher in charge of the school. She is the first teacher of the school. She served in the school with complete dedication taking care of everyone with motherly love.

Primary school
In the history of St. Xavier’s school Dayapar 15 June, 2011 was a golden lettered day, because the first working day of its primary section began on this day. We got permission for the school up to the fifth standard in the same month.
Our Third Phase of Construction
We began the construction of the third phase of the School in September 2014. Though we had many difficulties in the beginning we get a lot of support from the people who live here. People are proud of the school. Many say that Dayapar is developing because of the school.
Our Vision
We provide intellectual and moral leadership by igniting the minds of children to realize their potential and make positive contributions leading to prosperity of the society and the nation at large. We aim at forming leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable.

Our Mission
Our Educational endeavors provide educational opportunities to all aspiring children to excel in life by nurturing academic excellence, fostering values, creating civic responsibility, and inculcating environmental concern. We are not here to prepare the children for only examinations but to develop their character and personality through graded responsibility, personal guidance and social awareness.